And So It Begins... HAPPY NEW YEAR! And with the ushering in of 2007 comes my official installation as Midwestern District Director. I thank Ken Voigt for doing such a great job as District Director for the past three years. Ken, you are a hard act to follow. I wish him well in his campaign for the office of International Vice President of ITE this year.
Congratulations are also due to the Midwestern District's own Earl Newman, who now officially takes the reigns as International President of ITE. Earl's care and concern for the organization have been made evident to me int he last two Interational Board meetings I have attended. ITE is in good hands this year.
I look forward to working with Earl and Ken this year and throughout my term. I also look forward to working with the District Board and the leadership of each section. I had made it a campaign pledge to act as a conduit of information between the International Board and the District membership. I regard this blog as a means to that end. Please use this blog to communicate, complain, comment or critique issues or ideas you may have or read here. Please, also, share this blog website address with your Board and your membership. I look forward to this new forum for interaction.

I also intend to use this blog to note upcoming events. The Illionois Section, for example, will be hosting their Annual Banquet on Friday evening, January 12, 2007. The event will be held at the Wellington of Arlington Heights, IL, and will begin at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $40. The banquet is also the occasion for the section's annual auction, which acts as the main fundraiser for their student scholarship fund. The section will also be awarding their student paper award, their student scholarship award, and will be installing their new board members. Earl Newman, Ken Voigt and I are scheduled to attend. A fun night will be had by all. For further information, please contact Joel Christell at Civiltech Engineering, 630-773-3900.
Here's to a successful 2007!