Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beginning Year Two...

After months of neglect, the blog is up and running again...and with a new look!

The last half of 2007 has been extremely busy for me, with lots of project-related travel to western Minnesota, as well as lots of ITE-related trips. In August, I attended the ITE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, where I lit up the dancefloor as a Twenties zoot-suit gangster. We must recognize the efforts of Earl Newman, 2007 ITE International President, who has well represented the Midwestern District throughout the past year. Earl has certainly set the gold standard in terms of fairness, information-sharing, and promoting the organization to our students. Our organization has benefited immensely by having Earl as President. Thanks Earl!

We must also congratulate Ken Voigt, who was elected as 2008 International Vice-President. Ken's work with the MWITE Board in developing our Strategic Plan will be important as the International Board revisits the ITE Strategic Plan in 2008. With Earl, Ken and me on the International Board in 2008, the MWITE will be well represented.

In October, I successfully completed the Professional Transportation Planner (PTP) certification exam.

Later that month, I attended the ITE International Board of Direction Fall Meeting at ITE Headquarters.

In early December, I attended the Annual Banquet for the Wisconsin Section. I had the honor of installing the 2008 Wisconsin Section Board, as well as to visit with friends and acquaintances from that state to the east of me.

In mid-December, I attended the MWITE Director's Fall Retreat at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago, IL. This facility is the venue for the MWITE Annual Meeting July 7-9, 2008. It is a great hotel located right on the Magnificent Mile, just steps away from shopping, museums, restaurants and bars. It will be a great meeting, and a fun getaway for the entire family. Be sure to add it to your calendars.
Last week, I was in Washington, DC, again. I attended the meetings of two ITE committees. The first was the Membership "Three-R" Committee, focusing on Registration, Retention, Reinstatement. The second committee meeting was for Prublic Relations and Information. You'll hear more about these committees soon.
So, after a hectic last half of 2007, I look forward to an equally-busy 2008. Be sure to sign up for the ITE 2008 Technical Conference and Exhibit in Miami (--Think "Spring Break" for Traffic Engineers!!!).

So, let's say a fond farewell to 2007, and look forward to the rewards and challenges of 2008!

Happy New Year!!!