The Transportation Professional Certification Board Inc. (TPCB) announced that the first Professional Transportation Planner (PTP) examination will be held in six cities on March 24, 2007. Applications for the PTP certification exam on Saturday, March 24th must be received by Friday, March 9th. Additional information including an application, a detailed list of the subject domains and sub-domains, the number of questions on the test, a practice exam and future exam dates and locations is on the TPCB Web site at
Also, The TPCB is looking for participants in strategic planning for the proposed Transportation Safety certification. Are you interested, or do you know of someone you could recommend? It would require travel to Annapolis, MD. Please get back to me with any recommendations. I would request your response by March 1. I will then pass the names on to ITE HQ, and they will ultimately assign who will attend.
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