Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What is the Gas Temperature Where You Live?

GasBuddy Organization Inc., has developed a novel way of showing relative average gasoline prices by county throughout the nation. They call it their Gas Price Temperature Map. Click on the link below and see the nationwide map.

One thing that is immediately obvious by looking at this is the high price of fuel in California. Of all the states in the union, California is the "hottest" in terms of high gas prices.

This brings up an important issue that ITE is working to address. Earlier this year, I was asking about ITE's potential involvement with transportation lobbying organizations working to raise gas taxes for transportation improvements. I asked whether ITE prohibited lobbying efforts. Out of that discussion came the call for a webinar for ITE elected leadership at all levels on lobbying and advocacy.

Conducting the webinar will be Alan P. Dye, a partner with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Webster, Chamberlain & Bean. Mr. Dye specializes in the representation of nonprofit organizations. He is a frequent lecturer at programs organized by ASAE and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, among others; co-author of the Association gal Checklist, published by the Chamber and the Tax Management Portfolio entitled Trade Associations, published by the Bureau of National Affairs; and Chairman of the Washington Nonprofit Legal and Tax Conference.

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